
Apache Guacamole Support

Apache Guacamole is referred to as a clientless remote desktop gateway because no plugins or client software are required run it. Once you install Guacamole on a server, HTML5 allows you access your desktop from a web browser. Guacamole supports standard protocols like VNC, RDP, and SSH.

The chief benefits of Guacamole are:

  • You can access your computers from anywhere – As long as you have access to a web browser, you have access to your machines.
  • Keeps your desktop in the cloud – combine the convenience of Guacamole with the resilience and flexibility of cloud computing.
  • It’s Free and open source – Apache Guacamole is and will always be free and open source software.
  • It’s Built on a well-documented API – Apache Guacamole is built on its own stack of core APIs which are thoroughly documented.

Commercial Support by Arcisphere

We originally began using Guacamole for product training sessions with our own clients. Over time, we fell in love with the product and begin offering support for others so they too could enjoy the benefits of the open source product.

For Guacamole Support Call 888-553-6563

or fill out the brief form on this page and one of our Guacamole specialists will follow up as soon as possible.

Download Guacamole Virtual Appliance Here

Arcisphere Technologies
Silver Lake Executive Campus 41 University Drive Suite 400 Newtown, Pennsylvania 18940
Phone: (888) 553-6563